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Do you ever have to deal with meeting misunderstandings?
So, you’ve just finished putting forward your proposal. You’d planned out what you wanted to say, given a few examples, convincingly described the advantages, and cautiously addressed the disadvantages. All extremely clearly. Or so you thought. Until you hear the first response:
“So, are you saying that you think we should XXX?”
What you want to say is “No, no, no. We should YYY. Weren’t you listening? Can’t you read?”
Obviously you can’t say that. Here are some phrases that could help you in this kind of situation.
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A: So, are you trying to say that we should XXX?
B: Not exactly. What I wanted to say was that we really need to take a close look at YYY. If you look at this slide here, you can see the three main reasons why. Does that help?
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Following these 4 quick and easy steps, and using the phrases above, will help you have clearer communication in your meetings. By alleviating your meeting misunderstandings, you will have faster, more productive meetings and save everyone time. Want to improve your meetings? Click here for more info on how.
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